Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Peter Vidmar

''Don't sacrifice what you want most for
what you want now. Write down what
you want most and see it often"
Peter Vidmar

A Perfect 10                                                        Gold medal Winner

I think that his Quote means that when you want something so bad you cant get it right away. You have to wait or earn it to get what you want . For example let say you want a Xbox 1 but you cant get one right now. You have to wait till you parents have the money and when they have time to buy it. You also have to earn it. If you behave bad you won't get what you want. you must be a ctr person in order to get what you want. You have to show that you deserve what you want. You have to have patience. Show how a good person would do to earn a good thing.

Healthcare Administrator

Healthcare Administrator
Duties and Responsibilities: The Healthcare Administrators coordinate the activities of medical organizations ranging from doctors’ offices to hospital departments to health care corporations. They create goals and the strategies for achieving them, and communicate this information to all employees. 
Salary: $64,821 per year
Education: You must have a Bachelor’s degree for entry-level. For high-level you must have a Master’s Degree.
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I would want to be a Healthcare administrator because they get paid well. Also it kind of reminds me of what a legal assistant does but a little different. I would also want to talk to doctors and discuss certain things. Also because it seems like a very important job.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Proverbs 22:1

" A good name is rather to be
chosen than great riches"
Proverbs 22:1

I think this means that our good name is more important than riches like money or gold. God loves us more than anything like riches. A good name is when you show your characteristics and your personality to people to make you a person with a good name. You have to be respectful and responsible. Also honesty and trustworthiness. Those are characteristics that make you have a good name. You must always be a good person because you will have a good life. You will be treated fairly and you will have friends and family who care about you. You will also be a successful person with a good job and career. This will happen to you if you choose the right thing. This will also happen because you chose to have a good personality and you showed your good characteristics. God doesn't care about the money but you because he loves you just the way you are.Always do the right thing in life.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Coach K Good name

" A good name is better
 than anything you can
achieve in this life"

Coach K                       

Mike Kryzewski                

I think that his quote means that we have to be a person who does the right thing. It is a person who is successful in life. You have to be a good person by showing your personality and your good characteristics. Also by showing good quality's that make you a good person. Your good name is better than anything you can achieve in life. By showing your good side and following the six pillars, then you have a good name. When you don't do anything at all and you just slack off, that means you have a bad name. You are a bad person who doesn't succeed anything in life. You must never choose the wrong. You must always choose and do the right thing.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

CTR champion Noemi Trigueros

"A CTR champion is a person who makes a 
great human out of himself"

Noemi Trigueros

I think her quote means that we have to act like a good human to be a good ctr person. I can be a ctr person by showing obedience like i should listen to rules and instructions to be Successful. I have to have a good personality to also be a good ctr person in life. For example a athlete has to show sportsmanship to be a ctr person. They also have to play by the rules. When someone is fouled,help them up and show that your a ctr person even if their in the other team. Another example is at work because you have to show respect to your boss and workers. If you don't you could get fired. If you choose to do the right thing you could get promoted and even a raise.Show what type of person you are and always do the right thing.

Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) Specialist

Ear, Nose and Throat
(ENT) Specialist
Duties and Responsibilities: An Ear, Nose, and throat doctor is a physician trained to in the medical and surgical treatment of Nose, Ears, and Throat. They manage and check for diseases in the Ears, Nose, and Throat.
Salary: $184,650 - $302,500
Education: They have to go to medical school and earn an undergraduate GPA. They have to have Clinical experiences.
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I would like to be an Ear, Nose, And Throat specialist because they win a lot of money and it is a job I would like to work in. I think it is important to take care of your EARS, Nose, and Throat.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015



"Success is not an accident. Success is actually a
choice. Are the habits you have today on par
with the dreams you have of tomorrow?''

Alan Stein
Alan Stein's quote to me means that Success is a choice you make which can take you far. Success is made by the hard work you do and you get rewarded doing it. For example if you study you will pass a test or quiz. Also if you get good grades in school you will be honored in graduation. In high school you will get accepted to your future college. Success is something that helps you be a better person with good characteristics and manners. You have to choose if you want to be a successful person in life or be a slacker. If you become a slacker you will never find a good job, you have a bad career, and you wont know that much about school because you never payed attention in school. You have to choose the right and do what a successful person would do. Success is a good choice.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Obedience James E. Faust

“When obedience becomes our goal, it is no longer an irritation; instead of a stumbling block, it becomes a building block”

                                                 James E. Faust

I think his quote means that obedience is hard to do but when it is done, you no longer have irritation. You have to be obedient and you will be a building block and not a stumbling block. Obedience is something hard to do but when it is accomplished you get rewarded and you feel good about yourself. Obedience will lead you to do great things and you will have a better future.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Alex Linares

              "Choosing the
            right is always 
            the right thing
                   to do."

            Alex Linares

I think that Alex is trying to say that we should always choose the right because it is the right thing to do. We have to do something good like help someone who needs help and you might get rewarded and even feel good about it. You will feel good because you did the right thing.We should never do the wrong thing because we face the repercussions and then we feel bad. That's why we should do good like Alex Linares and Mr. Haymore say always.


Duties and Responsibilities: A Dermatologist is someone who cures and deals with Skin, Nails, hair, and its Diseases.
Salary: $262,500 - $300,000
Education: A Dermatologist must go to College and earn a Bachelor’s degree. Also go to Medical school and become a medical doctor or a doctor of osteopathic medicine.
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I would want to be a Dermatologist because they win a lot of money and I really care about my skin and Hygiene. I would also want to learn more about what machines they use to cure your skin, nails, and hair.

Monday, October 5, 2015

David Bednar Obedience

"Obedience is central to becoming, being,
 and remaining happy"

David Bednar

I think what David Bednar's Quote means that Obedience makes us become, be, and remain happy. We have to become Obedient and show how obedient we are by doing chores and listening to our parents. We also have to remain Obedient because we get rewarded and you have a happy life. You chose the right which led you to be happy.Obedience is important.

non-medical career Lawyer

Duties and Responsibilities: A Lawyer is a person who practices or studies Law. There are also called attorneys and sometimes counselor.
Salary: $113,530
Education: In order to be a Lawyer you must have a Doctoral or a Professional Degree.
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I would like to be a Lawyer because my sister is a assistant lawyer 
and she is a successful person. I want to be just like her and achieve my goals.She works very hard.She is also very smart and good on typing fast.She has a nice place to work and she help companies from being sued.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

John Wooden

John Wooden
"What you are as a Person is far more
important than what you are as a basketball

John Wooden 

I think what his quote means is that we should have the same sportsmanship in and out of the basketball court. We should have a good behavior and personality in the court and outside in court like in our neighborhood. We should be kind to our teammates, Opponents, and to the people in our Neighborhood.What we are as a person shows how we are in the court.

Dental Assistant

Dental Assistant
Duties and Responsibilities: A Dentist Assistant is a person who assists the Dental Operator in providing more efficient Dental Treatment. For example they prepare the patient for treatment; they sterilize instruments, and many other things.
Annual Salary: 34,500
Education: Many of the Dental assistants just need a high school Diploma. Also some may take on-the-job Training.
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Reflection: I wouldn’t want to be a Dental Assistant because I wouldn’t want to do something I don’t like. I don’t really like the Dentist but they make your teeth healthy.